Recent strides in human history have given rise to artificial intelligence, ushering in an era where machines can replicate human reasoning within neural networks. This transformative capability is reshaping individual and collective behavioral trends.
In the realm of education, the integration of artificial intelligence into the daily practices of educators and the learning experiences of students is addressing long-standing issues and opening the door to innovative approaches in knowledge and skill development.
Moreover, AI can undertake mechanical tasks that traditionally consume human resources, particularly in the hectic schedules of educators. Processes like assessment, known for being time-intensive, can now be streamlined and centralized by AI, resulting in significantly more efficient outcomes.
Research Goals:
This conference paper seeks to investigate the impact of the incorporation of diversely-profiled gamification elements in university-level English as a foreign language teaching, leveraging technological resources with AI characteristics, where the gradient of competition at class level may be observed to generate specific academic and emotional effects in the target student group where the corresponding gamification strategy is to be developed.
Discussion and Results:
The natural existence and inclinations for technology of the colloquially denominated as Z generation, which would include individuals born between 1994 and 2007 are to be correlated to the deployment of gamification in high education, since this demographic constitutes the majority of university students who have recently completed their studies or are about to enter the university system in the coming years.
Various gamification resources capitalise the insertion of gaming elements into the teaching learning processes. In the area of quizzes, Plickers, Kahoot and Quizlet are recognised to receive the support of a vast number of internet users at scholar ages, who usually resort to these instruments for the enhancement of their language skills by means of entertainment resources which rival traditional magistral lectures.
The audience highly-ranked Plickers and Kahoot may be discovered to impose models of competition which divert as for the explicitness of the confrontation and student stratification factor within the micro-sociopolitical unit the classroom constitutes. While the former respects both performance data privacy, it suits low-interaction and collaborative personalities who do not feel confident when being exposed to rivalry. As opposed to Plickers, Kahoot would summon the sense of competition by ranking the score obtained by particular students, which would be rated according to their accuracy of answers and the speed of answer production, whenever correctness applies.
Concluding Remarks:
As a result of a contrastive analysis of the academic and emotional effects inspired to pupils by means of both resources, it shall not be forgot that diversity of learning styles and the individual character must be respected and preserved, posing a disjunctive between the beneficial character opposition may contribute to extroverted and competitive students and the inhibitory consequences such a phenomenon may cause in low-profile English acquirers, whose performance may be hindered by the imposition of a need to undesirably publicise their assessment results and be subject to ranking into non-privileged positions within the educational context referred.
Alessandro Monge
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 16:55:17
Greetings Dr. Yagüe-Pasamón,
congratulations on your presentation, i would like to ask a couple of questions.
1) How can we ensure that learners feel empowered in their use of AI in formal educational?
2) How can educators change their practices to accommodate AI applications?
Thank you for your attention and best regards,
Alessandro Monge
Sergio Yagüe-Pasamón
Comentó el 02/02/2024 a las 09:35:53
Thank you for your question. As for your first question, the independence in acquisition and the assumption of their own learning AI permit make these tools unrivalled for English training in the technological world we live in. Educators shall, moving to your second question, proceed to give away the traditional magistral lecture in favour of a rather supportive and supervising role.
Seila Soler
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 09:18:13
Enhorabuena por la comunicación.
Dado el énfasis en la diversidad de estilos de aprendizaje y la individualidad en el estudio, ¿cómo se puede diseñar una estrategia de gamificación equitativa que aproveche los beneficios de la competencia para estudiantes extrovertidos, al tiempo que garantiza un entorno de aprendizaje inclusivo y respetuoso para aquellos con perfiles más introvertidos en el ámbito de la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera en nivel universitario?
Sergio Yagüe-Pasamón
Comentó el 02/02/2024 a las 09:22:34
Gracias por su comentario y su pregunta.
La mejor opción ante lo que me comenta sería un enfoque híbrido en el que los alumnos no conocieran el ranking de forma inmediata y en directo, como hace Kahoot, sino que utilizáramos Plickers, por ejemplo, para mantener esta información oculta y, pidiéndoles permiso a los alumnos sobre su inclusión en el ranking o su derecho a negarse, solo hiciéramos un ranking con los extrovertidos tendentes a la competición, explicitando que el ranking real puede variar si se incluyeran a estos alumnos que deciden no publicitar sus resultados. Esto se haría a priori, por supuesto. De otra forma, los alumnos decidirían ser ordenados dependiendo de lo positivo de los resultados que han obtenido.
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