S07-02 06

Bridging the Gap: Fostering Inclusive Learning for Visually Diverse Learners in the EFL Classroom


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Ana-Isabel Martínez-HernándezUniversitat de València / IULMA


Despite international laws and guidelines that emphasise inclusion and equality in education, full inclusion is yet to be realised. In fact, notwithstanding ongoing efforts, challenges persist at achieving genuine inclusion. The most resorted approach, namely mainstreaming, has faced challenges considering that adaptations in the sake of inclusion have often led to hidden forms of segregation, resulting in mere integration processes. In that regard, higher education should adopt a proactive approach that values diversity and promotes Universal Design for Learning (UDL) using technologies to provide multiple means of representation. This study aims to analyse the current status of visual diversity in EFL classrooms in Spanish higher education and identify social barriers for visually diverse learners. It emphasises the importance of UDL and technology for inclusive learning environments.

This study delves into the experiences of visually diverse (VD) learners within the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Spanish university classroom. The aim is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges these learners face in this unique educational context and explore their perspectives. The research methodology employed for this study involves the use of a questionnaire to collect data on learners’ perspectives, offering valuable insights into the realities they confront in said context. Results show that lecturers’ limited knowledge and resources hindered the accessibility of learning materials for visually impaired learners, leading to missed information and hindered participation. Furthermore, VD learners required additional time due to reliance on text-to-speech tools in reading comprehension activities. A key takeaway from the study was that VD students overwhelmingly preferred having access to texts in advance, either with instructor assistance or digitalisation in a compatible format, to prepare for lessons effectively, rather than rely on impromptu in-class readings. Therefore, these findings highlight the importance of thorough lecturer preparation, which includes anticipating potential barriers and proactively providing accessible materials in advance, with the help of technology, to ensure accessible learning for VD learners.

The study contributes to the existing body of knowledge on inclusive education and provides meaningful insights for educators, policymakers, and practitioners. The study’s findings have the potential to inform and guide efforts to establish accessible and equitable learning environments for VD learners in EFL university classrooms. By understanding the challenges they face, education stakeholders can proactively work towards promoting inclusion for VD learners in the EFL context. This research serves as a foundation for further investigations into the topic and lays the groundwork for future initiatives aimed at supporting VD learners in their EFL education.

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      Begoña Bellés-Fortuño

      Comentó el 02/02/2024 a las 17:31:45

      Dear Anabel,

      Thanks for sharing your research, which I consider highly necessary in the higher education sphere. I agree with you when you mention policy makers and governments to address their efforts and support in considering functional diversity and promoting access to functional diverse students to all stages of education. However, after having seen the results of your study what I miss is feasible and tangible solutions to effectively accommodate the university curriculum and handle aspects such as the additional time demanded from lecturers or the technological advanced environment needed. Could you deepen a bit on this? Thanks! Regards, Begoña

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        Ana-Isabel Martínez-Hernández

        Comentó el 04/02/2024 a las 11:48:55

        Dear Begoña,
        Thank you very much indeed for your interest in this topic. When lecturers have been asked about the solution that would work for them, it has basically been reduced to higher economic investment or, in the absence of it, some sort of compensation to make up for the dedicated time for material preparation or adaptation. However, in the current societal context marked by prevalent education cutbacks, the idea of having these may appear utopian. Perhaps the most practical solution would involve providing teacher training courses on creating accessible materials following UDL guidelines.

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      Sergio Peñalver-Férez

      Comentó el 02/02/2024 a las 00:24:47

      Dear Anabel,

      I would like to thank you for sharing such revealing results about the current educative needs for visually diverse learners in the EFL classroom. Curiosity aroused about how the key ideas in your proposal would apply to productive tasks like speaking and writing. During my undergraduate studies, I came across a student who reported having been asked to produce a vivid, colorful PowerPoint presentation that would serve as a visual aid to her oral presentation. The only drawback: they were visually diverse, thus negating the need, relevance and even practical use of using a visual presentation that was intended to support their performance. This made me reflect upon the complete change of perspective that visually diverse people may bring in terms of picture description, which now must rely on written modes rather than only visual representation. I wonder, if this aspect was covered in your study, how teachers could accommodate to this particular profile, and how you would encourage them to tap into the world of diversity and inclusion and exploit it pedagogically.

      Thank you in advance and congratulations on the excellent work.

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        Ana-Isabel Martínez-Hernández

        Comentó el 02/02/2024 a las 08:25:31

        Dear Sergio,
        Thank you very much for you comment. The situation you describe is quite common and has been reported by many visually diverse students, not only with slides, but also with written work. Teachers usually ask for coherent, and "clean and neat" documents. However, students with visually diversity might struggle to meet the standards set by teachers. I believe that, as educators, we should focus on content rather than on presentation of such content.
        Kind regards,

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      Gloria María Jaime Mirabal

      Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 19:23:18

      Estimada Ana-Isabel, enhorabuena su investigación.
      Considero interesante tener presente la preparación que deben realizar los profesores para enfrentar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, haciendo un mayor énfasis en los estudiantes débiles visuales, sobre todo en el estudio de las lenguas extranjeras, como bien propone eliminando barreras que puedan impedir un aprendizaje autónomo, donde la comprensión sea lo esencial para su crecimiento como personas. Ojalá todos los profesores lleguen a tener conciencia acerca de las dificultades que provocan obtener un adecuado aprendizaje a cualquier tipo de estudiante este dilema de la preparación de los profesores.

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