The rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionised various domains to such an extent that its integration has become ubiquitous and undeniable, not least in language education and research. Nevertheless, its burgeoning influence in these spheres presents a double-edged sword, offering both transformative possibilities and potential pitfalls (Holmes et al., 2022). Its implementation in these contexts is not without its challenges and ethical considerations. This paper delves into the intricate tapestry of AI, examining its benefits, limitations and potentially problematic issues associated with its use in the field of foreign language instruction. In order to do so, a comprehensive literature review has been conducted. The methodology employed involves an exhaustive examination of 30 documents encompassing peer-reviewed scientific articles, book chapters, books and conference proceedings. The curated literature draws from reputable databases such as Scopus, Research Gate, the Council of Europe, and university repositories, such as UCL Discovery or ACM Digital Library, ensuring a diverse and authoritative representation of scholarly perspectives. By scrutinising the existing body of knowledge, this article aims to discern the positive contributions, challenges, and potential pitfalls associated with the integration of AI in language teaching and research, offering a nuanced understanding of its implications in the higher education landscape. Hence, a classification of the main positive and negative impact of AI on teacher training would be developed. Amidst some of the potential advantages, the literature identifies automated assessment (Hopfenbeck et al., 2023), personalised learning experiences and enhanced writing efficiency (Yan, 2023) as standout features of this technology for students. As regards teacher use, Hashem et al. (2024) highlight the potential of generative AI to provide support in reducing workload and preventing burnout. Another notable advantage that generative AI offers to teachers is the ability to assist in creating learning materials (Ali, 2020) or support monitoring during collaborative learning (Kasepalu et al., 2022). On the other side of the spectrum lie the challenges yet to be addressed — or in the process of being addressed — by the academic community and policymakers, such as ethical considerations (Holmes et al., 2022; Casal & Kessler, 2023). In addressing the potential benefits and the ethical concerns associated with AI, teacher training programmes should emphasise the integration of AI in curriculum design and content creation, with a focus on digital literacy. By equipping educators with the necessary skills to design learning materials and guide students, training modules can enhance efficiency and foster innovation. Successful integration of generative AI in language education requires a thoughtful and pedagogically informed approach. By adopting strategies that prioritise personalised learning, efficient assessment, and ethical considerations, educators can harness the transformative potential of AI to enrich the pedagogical proposals implemented in the classroom.
Begoña Bellés-Fortuño
Comentó el 05/02/2024 a las 21:21:33
Dear Lucía and Ana,
Thanks for your analysis, I think it reveals curiosities about the use of AI in Foreign Language teaching. I am interested in the development of that digital profile you mentioned in your presentation. The question is? How much of that digital profile/skill on students has already been acquired in non-educational settings? How does this affect the use of AI and technologies in the classroom? I don't know if you have analysed variables such as family context and average income of students in the development of the digital skills.
Thanks again for sharing your work. Regards,
Ana-Isabel Martínez-Hernández
Comentó el 06/02/2024 a las 09:22:15
Dear Begoña,
Thank you very much for your comment and your reflection. We couldn't agree more with your point. Indeed, when we talk about digital skills, many social aspects must be borne in mind, such as economic and cultural background. We, as teachers, often bring our enthusiasm to class along with the innovation we'd like to introduce in our methodology -AI, in this case- but often disregard issues such as accessibility in the broadest meaning of the word. You raise a very interesting question that could open the door to another study - or several ones. In this one, we have mainly focused on analysing the literature on the topic and compile the positive and negative aspects that have been reported so far regarding AI in higher education and research.
Kind regards,
Lucía and Anabel
Nuria Padrós Flores
Comentó el 02/02/2024 a las 13:24:18
Enhorabuena por vuestro trabajo,
Quería preguntaros si tenéis algún resultado cuantitativo de la experiencia, quizás comparando con cursos anteriores.
Ana-Isabel Martínez-Hernández
Comentó el 02/02/2024 a las 14:04:32
Hola, Nuria:
Gracias por tu comentario e interés en nuestra ponencia. Me temo que en este caso en concreto no tenemos datos cuantitativos, ya que se trata de una revisión teórica de la literatura existente. No obstante, estamos llevando a cabo otras investigaciones en las que sí obtendremos datos cuantitativos y esperamos publicar pronto.
Un saludo.
Lucía y Anabel
Noé Chávez Hernández
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 18:25:12
Ana and Lucía
I greatly appreciate the communication you shared, which was extremely interesting. Undoubtedly, the work of the teacher can be enriched through Artificial Intelligence (AI).
After researching scientific information, you have identified the benefits of using AI in teaching. From my perspective as a teacher, I can confirm that the use of AI tools has indeed helped me reduce the time spent preparing classes. It has also enriched the use of didactic materials and has provided me with more options to create various activities that enhance student learning.
I'd like to ask you a question about the possibility of implementing the use of AI tools in your study programs. Have you incorporated the ethical and efficient development of AI into the official curriculum of any subject? Have you received extensive support from the University to do so, or have you encountered bureaucratic situations and institutional resistance?
I'm extremely grateful that you have shared your information! Congratulations!
Lucía Bellés-Calvera
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 21:24:01
Dear Noé,
Thank you so much for your thoughtful and encouraging feedback! We're delighted to hear about your positive experiences with AI tools in teaching.
Regarding your question, incorporating AI tools into study programs is indeed an exciting prospect. At our universities, we are actively exploring the integration of AI-related content into different subjects. While we haven't fully implemented it across all subjects, we have designed proposals in order to introduce AI tools in relevant courses delivered in two degrees: a) Tourism and b) Translation and Interpreting.
However, as with any innovation, we have encountered some challenges, as we need to take into account data protection strategies. In this sense, we need to be supported by the Ethics and Research Integrity Committees (CEI) at our universities, ensuring the ethical and efficient use of the data collected.
Thank you for your kind words and for engaging with our work. It's conversations like these that contribute to the broader dialogue on the role of AI in education.
Kind regards,
Anabel and Lucía
Noé Chávez Hernández
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 23:06:46
Thank you for sharing your work and for promoting this important conversation!
Best regards
Adriana Mutu
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 13:50:42
Thank you for your work; the study is very interesting. I wanted to know whether there were any frameworks or methods in place to assess how well AI is being incorporated into language research and instruction. Do students perform better academically? Thank you.
Ana-Isabel Martínez-Hernández
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 14:55:14
Thank you for your question, Adriana. In the literature that we have analysed, we have not found any frameworks as such, but we hope to develop one in the chapter to be published. We have, however, spotted that most studies report successful results, especially when it comes to written expression, although they seem to be limited to very small contexts.
Adrián Pla Ángel
Comentó el 31/01/2024 a las 19:31:07
Hola, Lucía y Ana-Isabel:
Una propuesta muy interesante utilizar Inteligencia Artificial en enseñanza de lenguas y en la investigación en el ámbito de la enseñanza superior. Habéis comentado que la inteligencia artificial generativa tiene beneficios a la hora de potenciar el rendimiento y la innovación de los estudiantes. ¿ Qué estrategias y métodos tenéis pensadas para integrar la Inteligencia Artificial en el aula? ¿Cómo priorizareis el aprendizaje personalizado y cómo pueden implementarlo las universidades en un futuro?
Muchas gracias.
Lucía Bellés-Calvera
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 09:15:25
Hola, Adrián:
Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Con respecto a tu primera pregunta, intentaríamos integrar la IA en el aula de enseñanza de lenguas como herramienta de apoyo. En concreto, ChatGPT o Google Bard podrían servirnos para practicar diversas habilidades comunicativas, ya sean estructuras u organización de ideas en expresión escrita, estrategias de comprensión lectora o el debate de ideas para desarrollar la expresión oral. En cuanto a tu segunda pregunta, se puede priorizar el aprendizaje personalizado a través de la observación y de tareas (u entregables) que permitan evaluar el proceso de aprendizaje de cada estudiante.
Un saludo,
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