Introduction: The word “smart” has been used to define the contribution of information and communication technologies (ICT) in different areas. The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and their ability to collect data in real time from a variety of sources, analyse large amounts of data and apply machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques to extract knowledge from the data and make decisions in real time can clearly help improve the efficiency of numerous processes and reduce their costs. The concepts of “smart city”, “smart health” or “smart industry” are widely recognised examples of the use of the term ”smart”. Smart cities are urban areas or towns that rely heavily on ICT to improve the quality of life of their citizens and promote economic growth, sustainability, participation, etc. Similarly, smart health has been defined as the provision of healthcare services in context-aware environments and smart cities. Industry 4.0 or Smart Industry is based on linking machines, industrial processes and information systems using ICT to improve aspects such as manufacturing and distribution. And finally, Koper’s definition of Smart Learning Environments promote better and faster learning through the use of digital, contextual and adaptive devices. In all these areas, artificial intelligence techniques and big data collection play a central role. As far as education is concerned, the concept of the ”smart classroom” is widely publicised in the literature. According to our definition of ”smart”, in a smart classroom the data collected from the physical learning space could be analysed to gain insights into the students and teachers, and provide the later with relevant information to improve their work. However, the term ”smart classroom” does not always include the use of ICT, data and artificial intelligence.
Objective: In our contribution, we examine the use of the term smart classroom in the scientific literature and provide a categorisation of the different variants of this concept.
Methodology: We analyse the articles indexed in scientific databases in which the term smart classroom is explicitly used and we investigate the different uses of this concept. In particular, we analyse whether ”smart classrooms” merely address the introduction of ICT as a learning tool or whether, on the contrary, it addresses what happens in the classroom, how students learn and how the teaching-learning process is developing.
Claudia Chiavarino
Comentó el 16/02/2024 a las 20:54:42
Dear Elena, it was a very interesting contribution. I would like to ask what did you find in your literature revision on the role of emotions in smart classrooms. Thanks a lot! Claudia
Silvia Husted Ramos
Comentó el 03/02/2024 a las 00:40:49
Hola Elena, Ramón y Antony, muy interesante su ponencia, que interesante perspectiva de lo "smart", ¿Existen metodologias para el diseño de ambientes de aprendizaje inteligentes o "Smart"? Espero ver su extenso, me gustó mucho el tema. Saludos a los tres. Enhorabuena!
Antoni Martínez-Ballesté
Comentó el 03/02/2024 a las 09:53:53
Hola Silvia, gracias por tu interés y por la pregunta. Una guía que puede ser interesante es: https://revistas.um.es/riite/article/view/556001
A nivel tecnológico hemos diseñado una arquitectura para dar apoyo a la recogida de datos y su procesado, pero todavía no está publicado. Si tienes interés, puedes contactarnos mediante correo electrónico (antoni.martinez@urv.cat)
Qi Zhu
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 17:28:56
Dear Elena Figueroa,
Thank you for giving us a great presentation and interesting research, Congratulations!
Smart classrooms can very directly improve the classroom environment for students, but I wish I could ask you some of the questions I have in terms of the relationship between teachers and ¨smart classroom¨.
Teachers play an important role in the traditional classroom, but how is the role of the teacher defined if ¨smart classroom¨ are added?
Does the teacher's position become less important if the smart classroom is better able to help students learn more scientifically and easily?
Best regards,
Qi Zhu
Antoni Martínez-Ballesté
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 18:39:09
Dear Qi Zhu,
Thank you for your interest. I am one of the authors of the study. Note that our smart classroom concept aims to help teachers improve their tasks. For example, thanks to the use of emotion sensors (e.g. smart bracelets), teachers can even recognise in real time if some students are not paying attention. One of the key elements of our smart classroom concept is the teacher assistant: a tool that provides teachers with real-time information. We have worked out a conceptual framework for the development of such a smart classroom and see it as a helper for teachers. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask. Kind regards!
Silvia Husted Ramos
Comentó el 03/02/2024 a las 01:19:37
Hi Qi Zhu, Perhaps they assume the role of scaffolding or Coaching these positions are widely used in constructivist learning environments, the teacher becomes a guide and this strengthens various skills in students, I think AI is just one more tool that will allow the student to assume the learning in new ways. Intelligent learning environments add autonomy to the learning process.
Marçal Mora Cantallops
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 01:04:33
Buenos días, y gracias por la ponencia y la revisión de la literatura. En este caso, tenía un par de cuestiones: ¿habéis recopilado o analizado qué herramientas o aplicaciones concretas se usan para dichas aulas inteligentes? Y, por otro lado, ¿habéis analizado o notado diferencias entre ámbitos o disciplinas en la profundidad de esas implementaciones?
Elena Figueroa
Comentó el 01/02/2024 a las 12:22:57
Buenos días, muchas gracias a usted por su interés en la ponencia. Si hemos realizado un estudio de cómo se utiliza las Tecnologías en el aula: herramientas utilizadas, dispositivos y particularmente qué papel juega la Inteligencia Artificial(IA) en estos espacios. Concretamente hasta el momento los hallazgos encontrados nos indican que son utilizados sensores, cámaras, dispositivos IoT, y la IA es utilizada para realizar modelos en su mayoría para reconocimiento facial pero aún sin ser explotada al máximo de sus potencialidades en su capacidad de predicción y el análisis de los datos que puedan ser recopilados.
Podemos decir que aún se encuentra en una etapa inicial la implementación de la IA en el aula. En el ámbito educacional aún está por desarrollarse el uso de estas herramientas respecto a otros ámbitos como Salud, la Industria o las llamadas ciudades inteligentes donde su aplicación es más profunda, sobre todo en tiempo real. Destacar que, varios estudios se centran en analizar desde la Psicología aspectos como el reconocimiento de emociones, la motivación y el compromiso de los estudiantes en el aula. Precisamente la heterogeneidad y no existir un modelo integrado para el aula inteligente es uno de los principales retos en este ámbito.
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